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Ways to


Total Raised: £11,200
Remaining target: £1,800

Our goal is to raise £13,000 in total. So far we have raised £11,200!

Tution fees - PAID 
Accomodation costs - PAID
Uganda Missions Trip - Incomplete 

I have just £1,800 left to raise:
£1000 = Payment towards Uganda trip which is due by May 17th
£800 = Visa & travel insurance, graduation items and the living costs for the remainder of my time in the mission field.

Together I believe we can reach this goal. No amount is too small, every bit goes a long way and sows into the eternal work of The Kingdom of God.  Thank you for your generosity and sacrifice, I love and appreciate you all!


Give via Bank Transfer

Name: Annette Tony-Fadipe

Account: 41488546


Sort Code: 40-07-12

Give via PayPal
Give via cfan portal


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