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Join me in the great harvest!

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel"

Mark 16: 15

Preaching the Gospel to the nations is the great commission to the church.

Join hands with me in the harvest as I share the Gospel to all nations!

About Annette

My Testimony 


My name is Annette Funto Tony-Fadipe, and in 2016 I was radically saved by Jesus Christ from a life of sin and darkness. As I have been pursuing the heart of God, He has been stirring up in me a burning passion to see souls saved. It is God's desire that all men come to repentance, but they can only call on His name if they hear the Gospel, and they can only hear the Gospel if we preach. I have since stepped out in faith, preaching the Gospel on the streets across the United Kingdom. But there is still so much more work to be done; "the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few".

By the grace of God I recently graduated from Christ for all Nations Evangelism Bootcamp in June 2024 where I did intensive training for 3 months in Orlando, Florida, followed by a 3-week mission trip to Uganda where I preached the Gospel and prayed for those who were sick and oppressed in Youth Crusdes, Street Outreach, and Mass Crusades. We saw over 120,000 documented decisions to follow Jesus during our time in Uganda, and many were healed, delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit!


My Mission


I am now based in the UK simply following Jesus to fulfill the call to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. Wherever He sends me, I go! From the UK, to America, to Africa, to the whole world!


Monthly Giving

Thank you for all your donations for Bootcamp!

I am currently serving in ministry full-time in evangelism, leading worship, and other capacities. If it is on your heart to sow into what the Lord is doing, any amount you can give will go a long way. God bless you as you consider giving.

More ways to Give

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Name: Annette Tony-Fadipe
Account: 41488546

Sort Code: 40-07-12

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Thank you so much for your generosity and sacrifice, I love and appreciate you all!

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